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Forum Posts

Marina Zaloznaya
Feb 09, 2023
In Jobs & Other Opportunities
The Department of Politics and International Studies is seeking to appoint three Assistant Professors in Development Studies, based in the Centre of Development Studies, from 1st September 2023. The successful candidates are expected to contribute positively to the teaching-intensive Centre. The post-holder will: (i) deliver teaching for the MPhil and the PhD programmes in Development Studies; (ii) take on a range of necessary administrative duties in the Centre and Department; (iii) conduct original research of international standards; (iv) contribute to other teaching in the Department where appropriate Candidates must be able to show evidence of research of international standing, demonstrate a willingness and ability to contribute collegially to the life of the Centre and the Department, and possess a flexible approach to teaching and administrative duties. The Centre engages in the research and teaching of social, political, economic, and cultural changes in the Global South. We encourage applications from all areas of development studies and the study of global inequality, broadly defined. Thematically, preferences may be given to the following areas (in no particular order of ranking): (i) climate change, bio-diversity, and the developing world; (ii) cultural processes and representation of the Global South; (iii) structural change and economic development; (iv) colonialism, imperialism, and global economic history; and (v) economic geography; (vi) work, migration, refugees, and humanitarianism. In terms of geographical expertise, for at least one of these posts, we seek specific knowledge and engagement with Africa. The Centre of Development Studies sees the diversity of ideas and backgrounds as a source of strength and creativity, especially in the context of global inequality and development. We strongly encourage candidates from BAME backgrounds to apply Further information about the Department and Centres can be found at: The closing date for this post is 10th March 2023.
Marina Zaloznaya
Jan 28, 2023
In Jobs & Other Opportunities
Call for Papers Corruption, the Public Service Ethos and the Common Good in Western Europe in the nineteenth century University of Stirling, 8-9 June 2023 Keynote Speakers: Dr Ronald Kroeze, Nijmegen University, co-author of A History of Dutch Corruption and Public Morality (1648-1940) (2020), co-editor of Anti-Corruption in History: From Antiquity to the Modern Era (2017) and Corruption, Empire and Colonialism in the Modern Era: A Global Perspective (2021) Professor Jens Ivo Engels, Darmstadt University, author of Die Geschichte der Korruption (2014), co-editor of Les coulisses du politique dans l’Europe contemporaine (3 vols, 2011-14) and History of Transparency in Politics and Society (2020) This AHRC project has involved a series of symposia across Europe, on topics such as administrative reform, the politics of corruption, financial scandals and the transfer of ideas of good governance in the 19th century. The final project conference is to be held 8-9 June 2023 at the University of Stirling. All those working on the legacy of the Scottish enlightenment, the impact of evangelicalism on public life in modern Britain, the historical background to modern ethics and professional standards, the changing definitions of ‘public’ and ‘private’ spheres of political life, radical journalism, the evolving nature of domestic and colonial administration and the international transfer of ideas of the ‘common good’ are warmly invited to submit proposals of papers for this conference, which will be fully funded by AHRC and the University of Stirling. Conference accommodation will be available free of charge on Thursday 8th June for all presenters. Proposals should be between 100 and 200 words and should clearly indicate the area of focus, the time period and the relevance of the issue to the conference’s theme. Panel proposals are particularly welcomed – these should consist of no more than 3 papers on a coherent issue relevant to the conference. Post-graduate and post-doctoral research students working on relevant topics are very welcome – it is hoped to have a post-graduate round-table to discuss relevant work. The conference will involve those involved in anti-corruption work in the present-day, so political scientists are invited to put forward papers which may stimulate discussion on the changing nature of central concepts and their application in the contemporary world. Please submit proposal to Dr Ian Cawood at Deadline 31 January 2023 Successful applicants will be informed by the end of February 2023.
Marina Zaloznaya
Dec 12, 2022
In Jobs & Other Opportunities
The Department of Criminology, Law, and Justice in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at the University of Illinois at Chicago invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor position, beginning Fall 2023, subject to budgetary approval. The position is for a scholar who can teach graduate and undergraduate statistics and quantitative research methods and strengthen the cohort of scholars who use quantitative research methods in the department. For the fullest consideration, the material should be received by January 13, 2023. Applicants should go to (click on the job board and then click on the position) to complete an online application, upload a letter of interest, CV, and teaching philosophy statement (especially related to statistics/methods courses), and provide the names, phone numbers and email addresses of three references within the application. Questions about the position can be directed to the chair of the search committee, Bill McCarty, who can be reached at The Criminology, Law and Justice Department is a dynamic unit comprised of interdisciplinary scholars who are committed to engaged research on many dimensions of crime and justice including issues of violence prevention, disability, race, class, migration, gender, and policy analysis. Faculty work in a wide range of areas, including the study of processes and consequences of social control in diverse settings such as schools, neighborhoods, police, courts, and prisons; issues of social justice and abolition; and the etiology, impact, and prevention of violence. The department is interested in strengthening its research capacity in the areas above. Criminology, Law, and Justice is one of the largest and most diverse units in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at UIC, with a strong commitment to equity and inclusion. We strongly encourage applicants who build on this commitment. For more information, go to Duties: Assistant Professors are expected to teach four courses a year (2 each semester) and support students as mentors and internship supervisors. In addition, Assistant Professors will provide service to the Department and actively engage in research in their area. Qualification: A Ph.D. or equivalent terminal degree is required. The discipline can be in Criminology, Sociology, Psychology, Political Science, Education, or related interdisciplinary discipline. Undergraduate and graduate teaching experience in statistics and research methods with first-generation students and students from diverse backgrounds is preferred.
Marina Zaloznaya
Dec 10, 2022
In Jobs & Other Opportunities
One of our group members is looking for a German-speaking research assistant to work on a project focusing on the media coverage of corruption-related news. Please email Oz Dincer ( if interested.
Marina Zaloznaya
Dec 10, 2022
In News
Marina Zaloznaya
Dec 08, 2022
In Jobs & Other Opportunities
Colby College, Waterville, ME Comparative Government and Politics One-Year Visiting Assistant Professor of Government (International Relations) The Department of Government at Colby College invites applications for a one-year Visiting Assistant Professor position in international relations with a focus on the political economy of the Global South, starting in the fall of 2023. We would welcome candidates with regional expertise in Africa, South Asia, or Southeast Asia. We seek highly qualified candidates who have demonstrated excellence in teaching and who are committed to working with an increasingly diverse student body. The teaching load is four courses per year. The successful applicant will teach Introduction to International Relations, and either an introductory comparative politics course or an introductory course in research methods, as well as additional courses chosen in consultation with the department chair. Candidates must have completed a Ph.D. in political science by September 1, 2023. Experience in undergraduate teaching as the instructor of record is strongly preferred. The college and the department are committed to enhancing the diversity and inclusivity of the campus community and the curriculum. Candidates who can contribute to this goal are encouraged to identify their strengths and experiences in this area when they apply. Applicants should submit a letter of application, a curriculum vitae, a statement of teaching philosophy that demonstrates commitment to the value of diversity and to inclusive teaching, evidence of teaching excellence, contact information for three references, and a graduate school transcript to Interfolio: []. Review of applications will begin January 20, 2023, and will continue until the position is filled. Questions about this position should be directed to:
Marina Zaloznaya
Dec 08, 2022
In Jobs & Other Opportunities
Andrew Harris Fellowship Program Department of Sociology The University of Vermont The University of Vermont is pleased to announce an academic fellowship position in the Department of Sociology in the College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) at the University of Vermont (UVM). UVM is especially interested in scholars who can contribute to the College of Arts and Sciences diversity plan, which was designed in part to ensure faculty, students, and staff members from underrepresented and marginalized populations are an integral part of the life and governance of the institution. Description The Andrew Harris Fellowship is open to BIPOC and is designed to bring promising early-career scholars to the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Vermont. Fellows are required to teach one course each semester (two courses over the year) for the College of Arts and Sciences, and deliver one research colloquium talk per year at the university related to the Fellow’s research (see “Area of Expertise” below). The fellowship (Postdoctoral Associate appointment) includes an annual, university health insurance, moving expenses, and research funds. Each semester the Fellow will also be provided with an undergraduate teaching assistant. Area of Expertise The UVM Sociology Department seeks a sociologist with research and teaching interests in crime, the criminal-legal system, the experience of justice-involved individuals, and/or law and society and social justice. Desired specializations of applicants include the role and intersection of race, gender, sexuality/identities, and economic status/poverty in interactions with the criminal-legal system and agents of control at all stages, and societal efforts aimed at combatting the impact of structural racism on the criminal-legal system. Beyond that, candidates who do mixed methods research, combining qualitative and quantitative approaches and who are prepared to contribute to the teaching of these methods, are of particular interest. Possibility of Tenure-Track This Fellowship is offered as a full-time, 12-month Postdoctoral Associate appointment (August 1, through July 31) in the Department of Sociology in the College of Arts and Sciences. Fellowships may be renewed for up to two years on the basis of performance and budgetary feasibility. Fellows establish and pursue their own research agenda with guidance through a mentorship program tailored to help the fellow to transition into a tenure-track faculty position at the end of the Fellowship. If, during the Fellowship, the Fellow decides to apply for a tenure-track position at UVM, the Department of Sociology will vote about converting the position to tenure-track and send the hiring recommendation to the Provost for approval. Such a tenure-track position would be 40% research, 40% teaching, and 20% service. Courses taught would serve the Sociology Department, the Health and Society Program, and the Critical Race and Ethnic Studies Program in the College of Arts and Sciences. Eligibility Criteria U.S. citizens and permanent residents (LPR) are eligible to apply Evidence of high potential to contribute to the College of Arts and Sciences diversity plan (see below) Earned Ph.D. in sociology by August 1, 2023. Applicants must also possess teaching experience at the undergraduate level Evidence of high accomplishment as assessed by a faculty committee that will examine the Fellow’s scholarly record, as well as a minimum of three letters of recommendation How to Apply Review of applications will begin January 6th, 2023 and will remain open until filled. Please submit a complete application packet via email to: Thomas Macias, Chair – Department of Sociology (include subject line "Harris Fellowship") Please include: Cover letter that includes a description of research goals for the fellowship year; the cover letter should also provide: a summary of the candidate’s accomplishments subject areas of interest a description or statement of past contributions and commitment to advance diversity curriculum vita (5 pages maximum) three letters of recommendation a 20 to 30-page writing sample For more information or questions, please contact Thomas Macias (
Marina Zaloznaya
Dec 01, 2022
In Jobs & Other Opportunities
The Center for Innovation in Social Science at Boston University invites promising early-career scholars from diverse disciplinary backgrounds to join a vibrant community committed to excellent, innovative research and teaching; interdisciplinary scholarship; and advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion in the academy. CISS Postdoctoral Scholars will receive faculty mentoring, opportunities for teaching, professional development, and interdisciplinary networking. This program is open to all scholars who employ social science theories or methods in their work; we are particularly interested in outstanding scholars whose research spans disciplinary divisions. Applications must be submitted by Monday, December 12, 2022. Please read the attached Position Description, Eligibility Requirements, Application Requirements, and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) pages before beginning your application.
Marina Zaloznaya
Nov 29, 2022
In General Discussion
Please join me in congratulating Nick Wilson on the upcoming publication of his book, Modernity's Corruption: Empire and Morality in the making of British India, which is now available for pre-order on Columbia University Press' website. You can pre-order it here, and if you use the discount code "CUP20," you'll get 20% off the already-reasonable price.The book will be released in May.
Marina Zaloznaya
Nov 22, 2022
In Jobs & Other Opportunities
The online portal is now open for submissions to the 2023 Annual Meeting to be held August 17-23 in Philadelphia. The deadline to submit is Wednesday, February 22, 2023, 11:59 p.m. Eastern,
Marina Zaloznaya
Nov 19, 2022
In Jobs & Other Opportunities
We invite applications for our Embedded EthiCS postdoctoral fellowship based at the McCoy Family Center for Ethics in Society and the Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence (HAI). Stanford Embedded Ethics is a collaborative program that embeds the teaching of ethics directly into the core undergraduate courses of Stanford’s computer science curriculum. Working in collaboration with CS faculty and graduate students, the fellows will create curricular materials, course assignments, and teach ethics modules in CS courses. 2023-2024 will be the fourth year of this program, and fellows will have the opportunity to continue to shape the direction of this approach to technology education at Stanford. We will hire 1-2 fellows. The postdoctoral fellows will be expected to spend 50% of their time working with the Embedded Ethics program and 50% of their time on their independent research within a cohort of postdoctoral fellows appointed at the Ethics Center and HAI. The postdoctoral fellow will have responsibility for (a) working with CS faculty and students to develop course materials, (b) teaching the modules, (c) providing pedagogical training for Course Assistants in CS, and (d) participating in the intellectual life of the Ethics Center and HAI. We seek applicants with a Ph.D. in philosophy, law, political science, information studies, or science and technology studies who can teach ethics (but ethics need not be their specialization), and who are enthusiastic to work with computer scientists to develop ethics modules. We will prioritize candidates who have a computer science background from their undergraduate studies and/or work experience. Ideal candidates will have knowledge of computer science fundamentals, coding skills, significant teaching experience, experience with cross-disciplinary research or teaching, and enthusiasm about developing ethics pedagogy Applicants must complete all requirements for their Ph.D. no later than June 30, 2023. Candidates must also be no more than three years from the awarding of their degree at the start of the fellowship (i.e., September 2020). The term of the fellowship is September 1, 2023 - August 31, 2024 and is renewable for a second year. We welcome applications from women and members of minority groups, as well as others who would bring additional dimensions to the university’s research and teaching missions. Salary is competitive. Applicants should submit a cover letter, CV, a writing sample (no more than 25 pages double-spaced), three letters of recommendation, a one-page research statement (single spaced), and a list of classes that they have taught and/or are prepared to teach. Applications will be collected via Interfolio. Applications will not be accepted by email. Please visit the Center’s website for information about how to submit your materials: If you have questions, please email Application Due Date: December 12, 2022.
Marina Zaloznaya
Nov 19, 2022
In Jobs & Other Opportunities
The Blavatnik School of Government at the University of Oxford is seeking to recruit a Postdoctoral Research Fellow, whom we will designate as a Career Development Fellow. This fellowship is aimed at early career academics with exciting research agendas addressing challenges of government that are common to many countries. We wish to appoint someone with the potential to become a candidate for an Associate Professorship in the School, someone who is committed to doing innovative and outstanding teaching, research, and public policy engagement. The successful candidate will become part of a community, which includes world-class academics and practitioners, as well as a team of up-and-coming postdoctoral fellows. Our students (MPP, MSc, and doctoral) come from 70+ different nations and range in age and experience from the brightest emerging talent to senior practitioners. The Career Development Fellow will have a faculty mentor, opportunities to teach, and will be given support in attempts to engage in the world of policy. Each Fellow will be supported to undertake their own research and to participate in programmes in the School, with access to a £5k per annum research allowance. We are a School interested in world-class professional teaching as well as world-class research. The teaching associated with this post is limited, in order to give early career candidates more time to devote to developing and publishing their own research. But over the course of the fellowship, we will be interested in having you spend some time in the classroom and supporting teaching, both on our degree (MPP, MSc) and non-degree executive programmes. Uniquely, this fellowship is aimed at attracting those who are or will become great in the classroom even though the fellowship itself involves little required teaching. You will engage in and manage original, world-class research which addresses challenges faced by governments; collaborate in the preparation of research publications and/or book chapters; disseminate research through publication in highly-ranked, peer reviewed academic and/or practitioner journals; present papers at international conferences and seminars; and teach on our programmes. You will hold, or be close to completion of, a doctorate in a discipline relevant to the School’s work dealing with governments and public policy (e.g., public management, public policy, law, economics, politics, philosophy, international relations, sociology, or science and technology studies). We are open to considering those in other fields whose work clearly contributes to solving the challenges facing governments. You will show evidence of ability and willingness to undertake applied research that has the potential to have impact on public policy and practice; evidence of developing a track record of internationally excellent publications in highly-ranked, peer-reviewed academic journals, commensurate with the candidate’s career stage; and have the ability to carry out independent, world-class research. Applications for this position should be submitted via the University of Oxford's application portal, further details can be found here; Non-Discrimination Statement Our institution does not discriminate against job candidates on the basis of actual or perceived gender, gender identity, race, color, national origin, sexual orientation, marital status, disability, or religion. Yes, this statement applies to my institutionNo, this statement does not apply to my institution Contact: Mrs Brooke Martin-Garbutt Email: Phone: 01865 614340 Fax: Address: Blavatnik School of Government Radcliffe Observatory Quarter, Woodstock Road Oxford, OX2 6GG United Kingdom
Marina Zaloznaya
Nov 19, 2022
In Jobs & Other Opportunities
Assistant Professor - Diversity & Democracy - Othering & Belonging Institute Position overview Position title: Assistant Professor (Tenure Track) Anticipated start: July 1, 2023 Application Window Open October 28, 2022 through Monday, Nov 28, 2022 at 11:59pm (Pacific Time) Position description The University of California, Berkeley invites applications for a full-time tenure-track faculty position as part of a campus-wide cluster hire in the area of Diversity and Democracy. The three areas of focal interest for this position are research and teaching expertise in one or some combination of the following areas: 1) diversity and identity; 2) diversity, civil society and political action; or 3) legal or philosophical frameworks for diverse democracies. Special consideration will be given to candidates who work in one or more of the following areas: 1) the content and contestation of group identities; 2) the civic and political engagement of diverse populations within local, national, and transnational contexts; or 3) the normative or legal implications of racial and ethnic diversity within democratic societies. The position is affiliated with the Othering and Belonging Institute (OBI) at UC Berkeley []. OBI is a research institute composed of seven interdisciplinary research clusters led by faculty whose research advances groundbreaking approaches to transforming structural marginalization and inequality. The search will be conducted under the auspices of the OBI Diversity and Democracy cluster [] and with the participation of faculty from a variety of departments on campus, including but not limited to Political Science, Law, Philosophy, and Sociology. The successful candidate will be housed in the academic unit(s) that they and the identified department mutually see as most appropriate given their research interests. Joint appointments are possible. We are interested in entry-level or pre-tenure scholars who have demonstrated excellence in research, teaching and service, and a commitment to building an equitable and diverse scholarly environment. We are also interested in candidates who have had non-traditional career paths or who have taken time off for family reasons, or who have achieved excellence in careers outside academia. Early applications are encouraged. Additional materials may be requested of top candidates. The University is responsive to the family needs of faculty, including dual career couples and single parents. For information about family friendly resources, potential relocation to Berkeley, or career needs of accompanying partners and spouses, please visit: Considering the significant disruptions caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, particularly for disadvantaged groups, in our evaluation of applicants, dips in productivity in otherwise strong records occurring with the onset of the pandemic will be evaluated with the context of the pandemic in mind. Qualifications Basic qualifications (required at time of application) Candidates must either: (a) hold a J.D. and/or a Ph.D. and/or equivalent international degree or (b) be enrolled in Ph.D. (or equivalent international degree) granting program. Preferred qualifications The ideal candidate will: • Ph.D. (or equivalent international degree) completed by date of appointment preferred. • have an excellent research and teaching record in one or some combination of the following areas: 1) diversity and identity; 2) diversity, civil society and political action; or 3) legal or philosophical frameworks for diverse democracies. • provide evidence of strong research productivity, potential for funding, and a commitment to excellence in teaching and research mentoring of undergraduate and graduate students. • provide evidence of outstanding scholarship relevant to the study of diversity and democracy. • provide evidence of their commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion in ways that align with UC Berkeley's mission to meet the educational needs of California's diverse population (see: Application Requirements Document requirements • Curriculum Vitae - Your most recently updated C.V. • Cover Letter - The search will be conducted under the auspices of the Othering & Belonging Institute's Diversity and Democracy cluster The successful candidate will be housed in the academic unit(s) that they and the identified department mutually see as most appropriate given their research interests. Joint appointments are possible. In your cover letter, please identify your discipline and the department(s) that you think would be the best fit for your appointment. • Statement of Research • Statement of Teaching • Statement on Contributions to Advancing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion - Statement on your contributions to diversity, equity, and inclusion, including information about your understanding of these topics, your record of activities to date, and your specific plans and goals for advancing equity and inclusion if hired at Berkeley (for additional information go to • Writing Sample 1 - Provide a published or draft article that demonstrates your work in the area of diversity and democracy as discussed in the position description. • Writing Sample 2 - Provide a published or draft article that demonstrates your work in the area of diversity and democracy as discussed in the position description. (Optional) • Writing Sample 3 - Provide a published or draft article that demonstrates your work in the area of diversity and democracy as discussed in the position description. (Optional) Reference requirements • 3 required (contact information only) We will only contact your references to request letters if you are advanced after the third round of review for the position, and we will seek your permission prior to doing so. Apply link: Help contact:
Marina Zaloznaya
Nov 19, 2022
In Jobs & Other Opportunities
The Center for Ethics and Public Affairs at the Murphy Institute at Tulane University invites applications for three Faculty Fellowships/Visiting Research Professorships for the 2023-2024 academic year. These fellowships are available to support outstanding faculty whose teaching and research focus on ethics; political and social philosophy; moral psychology, agency and responsibility; philosophy of law; political theory; or questions of moral choice in areas such as, but not restricted to, business, government, law, economics, and medicine. While fellows will participate in seminars, lectures, and conferences organized by the Murphy Institute, they will be expected to devote most of their time to conducting their own research. Faculty Fellows are appointed as Visiting Research Professors at Tulane University’s Murphy Institute, receive a salary of $67,500, and are eligible for faculty benefits, including medical insurance. Faculty Fellows enjoy the use of private offices and receive administrative assistance from the Murphy Institute staff and graduate assistants. The Murphy Institute’s Center for Ethics is one of the most active in the country, hosting fourteen guest speakers and sponsoring several international conferences each year. Qualifications Applicants must hold a doctorate in philosophy, political theory, or a related discipline at the time of application. Applicants must also hold a full-time college or university appointment at the time of application. Faculty Fellowships are open to full-time faculty at all ranks. Application Instructions: Applicants must apply via Interfolio at Required application materials include the curriculum vitae, a project description (including a one-page bibliography) of approximately 1500 words, a scholarly paper, and two confidential letters of recommendation. Please contact Margaret Keenan at with any questions about the application process.
Marina Zaloznaya
Nov 19, 2022
In Jobs & Other Opportunities
The Division of the Social Sciences at the University of Chicago invites applications for appointment as Earl S. Johnson Instructor in Political Science in the Master of Arts Program in the Social Sciences ( This is a full-time teaching position offering opportunities for both classroom teaching and mentoring students on research projects. This instructorship is renewable annually to a maximum term of three years, beginning September 1, 2023. MAPSS is a one year program providing students with a foundation in graduate level interdisciplinary social science research. Students concentrate in psychology, economics, anthropology, history, political science, sociology, or in interdisciplinary research, and work directly with UChicago faculty on an original MA thesis project. MAPSS is highly selective for admission and recruits talented students from across the United States and around the world. Approximately 35% go on to elite PhD programs after they graduate, while the majority pursue research-oriented careers with the help of an in-house Career Service team. Students are selected from a wide array of backgrounds, experiences, and research trajectories, and help to make the Division of the Social Sciences a more diverse and vibrant intellectual community. The Earl S. Johnson Instructor will annually teach four courses, including one section of the MAPSS core course “Perspectives in Social Science Analysis,” at least one graduate seminar introducing an important research methodology in political science, and other courses oriented toward MA and/or undergraduate students, according to program need. In addition to teaching, the Earl S. Johnson Instructor will annually mentor a group of 18-22 students concentrating in political science or a related field and serve as second reader on their MA theses; advise a limited number of theses as the primary reader; lead an MA Proposal Workshop; hold weekly office hours; hire and manage teaching assistants; contribute to program admissions, staff hiring, and student recruitment; attend staff meetings; support students in their applications to doctoral programs; and participate on decision-making committees (e.g. student prizes). The position includes support for professional development, including funds to attend conferences and workshops, as well as mentoring from senior members of the MAPSS instructional team. The position also offers opportunities to participate in the intellectual life of the University. Qualifications Applicants must have a PhD in political science prior to the start date. Prior teaching experience in political science or a related field is required. Application Instructions The following materials must be submitted through Interfolio at 1) a cover letter, outlining the applicant’s prior training and research experience in political science, their prior teaching or mentoring experience, and their suggested course offerings; 2) a curriculum vitae; 3) an article length writing sample; 4) three letters of reference; 5) at least one course syllabus designed by the candidate; and 6) course evaluations or other evidence of past excellence in teaching or mentoring. Review of applications will begin on January 2, 2023 and will continue until the position is filled or the search is closed.
Marina Zaloznaya
Nov 19, 2022
In Jobs & Other Opportunities
Apply now: Job no: 496275 Work type: Full Time Permanent - Faculty Location: Charleston Categories: Humanities Payscale: Unclassified Job Responsibilities: The Citadel, The Military College of South Carolina, is currently seeking to fill a tenure-track appointment at the rank of Assistant Professor in International Relations or Comparative Politics in the Department of Political Science. The Citadel is a state-supported coeducational military college in historic downtown Charleston, South Carolina. We are committed to excellence in teaching with the expectation that faculty engage in consistent research and publication. The department offers a B.A. in Political Science with three subfields: American Government, International Politics and Military Affairs, and pre-Law and Legal Studies. The Department is home to approximately 200 undergraduate majors. In addition, the Department of Political Science offers a Master of Arts program in International Politics & Military Affairs and graduate courses related to a Master of Arts program in Social Science. Minimum Qualifications: A Ph.D. is preferred, but ABD eligible candidates who will finish their dissertation by August 2023 will be considered. Expertise in Latin American area studies is required with a preference for those with professional experience in a US government agency or equivalent international organization. Undergraduate teaching responsibilities include: Introduction to International Politics, Comparative Politics, American Foreign Policy, and Latin American Politics (regionally and country-specific). Ability to teach Comparative Foreign Policy would also be an asset. Successful candidates will also be expected to teach online courses related to the two Master of Arts Programs. Teaching expectations are a four-four load. Service responsibilities for this position include helping direct our Masters in Social Science degree and overseeing the department’s internships. Please include CV, cover letter, letters of recommendation, and writing sample in your application. Letters of recommendation may also be sent directly to department at To learn more about The Citadel and its programs please visit our website at To find more information on the Department of Political Science, you can visit us at Apply here: Benefits of Working at The Citadel Extensive Health Plans Great Retirement Options Paid Parental Leave Employee Discounts Isle of Palms Beach Club Swain Family Boat Center Community Service Opportunities Read more about our benefits, on our HR website About The Citadel College The Citadel, also known as the Military College of South Carolina, is a public senior military college located in Charleston, South Carolina. Founded in 1842, The Citadel has a rich history and educational reputation. With our current location on the banks of the Ashley River in downtown Charleston, you are close to great restaurants, shopping and much more. Ranked #1 Public College in the South (U.S. News & World Report, 2022) for schools with up to a master’s degree, the opportunities are endless. There are about 2,300 undergraduate students who make up the South Carolina Corps of Cadets. Out of the Corps of Cadets, 1 out of 3 graduates earn a military commission. Students can choose from 31 Majors, 57 Minors, pre-health professions, and pre-law (a concentration in political science). The 11:1 student-to-faculty ratio guarantees students a quality education. Another 1,000 students attend the Graduate College, evening and online programs.
Marina Zaloznaya
Nov 19, 2022
In Jobs & Other Opportunities
The Department of Public Policy at Central European University (CEU) is hiring a Postdoctoral Fellow for the European Union-funded (Horizon Europe) BRRIDGE project. The BRRIDGE consortium enlists internationally prominent partners (CEU, EUI, NUIG) to help Univerzita Mateja Bela (UMB) build research excellence in the domain of democracy and policy and to advance UMB’s research management and administration capacity, while generating knowledge that benefits society at multiple levels (internal, local and regional, national and international). The project BRRIDGE focuses on four interrelated thematic challenges to democracy and policy, with the aim of building excellence. BRRIDGE will contribute to a deeper understanding of the current democratic disconnect that stems from changes in technologies, inequalities, culture and governance. From this foundation, BRRIDGE will propose tangible evidence-based interventions based on the expertise of the consortium’s members. Under the supervision of the Principal Investigator at CEU, Professor Martin Kahanec, the postdoctoral fellow will engage in the organization, development, and delivery of the BRRIDGE project. Key duties and responsibilities: • Supporting the mission and objectives of the BRRIDGE project; interest in building excellence in research in the domains of democracy and policy and its management and administration • Coordinating the daily operations and planning of the BRRIDGE research project under the supervision of the Principal Investigator (PI) • Managing the project calendar with the PI and partners • Liaising with CEU team members, faculty and students; as well as partner institutions and the EC • Doing research on the topics of democracy and human rights • Organizing project events • Disseminating the project outcomes via digital and social media platforms • Helping with the coordination and administration of the Shattuck Center Qualifications and skills: • PhD in a relevant field (Public Policy, Political Science, Law, International Relations, Democracy and Human Rights Studies, or similar) • Experience with coordinating academic projects • Interest in democracy, human rights, building academic excellence in these areas. • Willingness to work in diverse environments, with international partners • Experience with institution building (academic, research, policy, NGO) an advantage • Ability to work independently and in teams • Experience working in international settings or with international partners is required. • Experience in managing or organizing multi-partner international projects is desirable. • Excellent organizational skills; strong English oral and written communication skills • Collegiality and respect for diversity are required. Application procedure: Please submit • your CV (including degrees, publications, teaching, and other relevant experience), • a cover letter including statement of purpose Please send your complete application package to: – including the job code in the subject line: 2022/067. Residence The appointment will be based in Vienna. Occasional travel may be required. Compensation We offer a gross annual salary of 56,860 EUR as well as a dynamic and international academic environment and the possibility to gain experience with top-level academic research and institution building. The initial contract is for one year with the possibility of renewal for up to two years. We do not ask for reference letters at the first stage of application; the referees of short-listed candidates may be contacted for references later by CEU.
Marina Zaloznaya
Nov 19, 2022
In Jobs & Other Opportunities
The Harris School of Public Policy seeks postdoctoral researchers in political science or political economy. Postdoctoral researchers work on independent research under a senior faculty member’s guidance, teach 2 quarter-length courses per year, and participate in the academic life of the school (including attending workshops and seminars). The position of postdoctoral researcher at the rank of instructor is initially for a one-year, renewable term. Candidates should have a demonstrated record of research achievement. Candidates are expected to complete their PhD by the appointment start date. To apply for this position, candidates must submit their application through the University of Chicago’s Interfolio academic jobs board at: Applicants must upload: 1) curriculum vitae; 2) one writing sample; 3) teaching statement; 4) research statement; and 5) two letters of recommendation. Applicants may also submit optional documents such as a third letter of reference and/or an additional writing sample. Review of applications will begin on December 12, 2022. No applications will be accepted after May 1, 2023. Equal Employment Opportunity Statement All University departments and institutes are charged with building a faculty from a diversity of backgrounds and with diverse viewpoints; with cultivating an inclusive community that values freedom of expression; and with welcoming and supporting all their members. We seek a diverse pool of applicants who wish to join an academic community that places the highest value on rigorous inquiry and encourages diverse perspectives, experiences, groups of individuals, and ideas to inform and stimulate intellectual challenge, engagement, and exchange. The University’s Statements on Diversity are at
Marina Zaloznaya
Nov 19, 2022
In Jobs & Other Opportunities

Marina Zaloznaya

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